Pixel Drop is a digital agency expert in website creation and digital strategy.

Delighted customers all over the world.

Direct Contact, At Your Service

We firmly believe that there is no substitute for a face-to-face meeting to understand your needs. Going to meet you is an opportunity to talk, to build a relationship of trust, and to co-create solutions tailored to your expectations. This human approach is at the heart of our way of working.

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Call us at +44 20 34 456 272
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Based in London, we travel wherever your projects call. Working with clients in the UK and internationally has allowed us to cultivate a wealth of perspectives and influences. This diversity stimulates our creativity and enables us to come up with original ideas, inspired by the best practices and trends observed around the world.

Sao Paulo
Discover our projects
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 ● A Customer Service that listens to you  ● A highly proactive team

Solutions tailored to your needs and your budget

Whether it's for a landing page or a complex e-commerce site, we tailor our solutions to your real needs. No frills, just the essentials so you can get started simply and grow at your own pace.

Explore our services
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We have extensive expertise in WordPress, Elementor, and Figma, key tools at the core of our expertise.

Clear milestones, Mastered Tools

With a structured workflow and key validation steps (mockups, design), we guarantee tailor-made solutions fully adapted to your needs.

On the technical side, our expertise in PHP, JavaScript, and CSS allows us to tackle complex challenges and develop high-performance solutions, regardless of the scale of your project.

Our toolbox

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Have a question? We're here to answer you

Do you have any questions about our services, prices or integration solutions? Our competent team is here to answer you quickly.

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